Named after two of the most prominent figures in Alpha Gamma Rho's early history, the Sleeter Bull and Maynard H. Coe awards are the two highest chapter awards presented by Alpha Gamma Rho.
The Sleeter Bull Award and Maynard H. Coe Award are presented biennially at the National Convention, unlike all other Fraternal Excellence Awards, which are presented annually.
Named in honor Alpha Gamma Rho Hall of Fame Inductee, Brother Sleeter Bull, Beta (Ohio State), the National Fraternity presents the Sleeter Bull Award to the chapter(s) that has shown the most improvement in the past two years.
The Maynard H. Coe Award is presented to the chapter(s) that has consistently maintained the highest level of chapter operations, within that same time frame.

Sleeter Bull Award
Alpha Gamma Chapter, University of Florida
Alpha Theta Chapter, University of Maryland
Beta Phi Chapter, University of Idaho