Matching Funds Request Form

The Educational Foundation of Alpha Gamma Rho makes available matching funds to chapters. A maximum $500 is avaiable per chapter, per fiscal year,  July 1–June 30 for any combination of academic achievements, scholarships, recruitment incentives or educational improvements to a chapter facility.

In an effort to increase the value and impact of matching fund scholarships, the Educational Foundation limits scholarship amounts to +$250. If approved by the Educational Foundation, the chapter must issue a check for half the total amount to the Educational Foundation. The Educational Foundation issues checks in the NAME OF THE RECIPIENTS and sends them to an officer of the chapter for distribution. Scholarship checks will never be issued in chapter name. Please check actual prices of improvement items before submitting your request. If approved by the Educational Foundation, purchase the equipment. Then, send a receipt for the purchase to the Educational Foundation. The Educational Foundation will, in turn, reimburse the chapter for half the cost, within the $500 maximum parameters.

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